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2024-2025 Tuition
(starts August 12th, 2024)

Registration for our 1's - 5K is $200/child or
$300 max for registering more than one child.

Full-Time Preschool/Daycare Tuition​
  (Includes Early Room, Preschool and Daycare)
1's and 2's          $164/Week
3's and 4's:         $160/Week

5K (includes AS Care): $167/Week

Part-Time Preschool Tuition
(8:30-12:00; Early Room Available for additional tuition)

      3's Tuesday/Thursday Class:                    $225/Month

      3's Monday/Wednesday/Friday Class:    $246/Month

      4's (Monday-Friday) :                                 $304/Month
*Monthly Tuition is charged 10 months, August through May*

Early Room Pricing (for arrivals before 8:15)
Tue/Thursday Class... $25/month
Mon/Wed/Fri Class... $36/month
Monday - Friday Classes... $50/month

Preschool Plus and 5K Tuition
(8:30-2:00; Early Room Available for additional tuition)

    3's Tuesday/Thursday Class:        $314/Month

      3's Monday/Wednesday/Friday Class:   $340/Month

      4's (Monday-Friday):                                 $380/Month

      5K (Monday-Friday):                                 $400/Month

*Monthly Tuition is charged 10 months, August through May*
Our Registration Fee is $55 and Tuition is $65/Week

Summer Camp (2024)
Our Registration Fee is $40 for current students
and $65 for new students.
Tuition is $150/Week & includes all activities and field trips.
All Registration Fees are Non-Refundable.
REGISTRATION is held each February of the upcoming school year. After our In-House Registration, we will fill vacancies from our Waiting List before opening to the public. 
If you would like to be added to our Waiting List, simply give us a call. We do require you to call us at least every 6 months to update your information and to let us know that you are still interested. If we do not hear back from you, we will assume that you have made other arrangements.

2018 UMC of the Covenant Child Development Center. Proudly created with

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